Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hide Files in Jpeg images

We will hide a text file called "code.txt" in an image called "nirvana.jpg".You need to have Winrar for this.So here goes....

1)Move both code.txt and nirvana.jpg to a new folder(say C:\New)

2)Add code.txt to a new rar archive called code.rar in the same folder,(C:\New in our example).

3)Now go to Start -> Run..., type cmd and press Enter.

4)Go to the folder where your files are located,(C:\New in our example).by using cd.. command.(use cd.. command to go one level up).

5)Now type "copy /b nirvana.jpg + code.rar secret.jpg"(without quotes) where secret.jpg is the file name u want to give to image that contains both nirvana.jpg and code.txt.

Congrats!!You are almost done with it now .

6)If you open secret.jpg,you will see the original image(nirvana.jpg).Open secret.jpg with Winrar and you will see your hidden file(code.txt)

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